Nicolae Testemițanu came into the world with the sign of God on his forehead: through all the fibers of his soul as a farmer and scientist, as a doctor and visionary, he made a name that resonated throughout the republic. Its appearance and fulminant trajectory signify the coat of arms of the nobility from where it started. Years and years, rewarded by the sweat of these peasants, the earth of these valleys and hills gave birth to a symbol, which concentrated in itself the pain and the wisdom, the desire and the bitterness, the hope and the sigh, the smile and the cry of the many and oppressed.
Nicolae Testemițanu was born on August 1, 1927 in the village of Ochiul Alb, Bălţi county in a family of middle-class peasants with many children: the father, Andrei Testemițanu, a farmer by profession, came from Mihăileni, a large village near Ochiul Alb, he was a man "sincere as the green grass and gentle as the spring ray of the sun" and mother, Axenia Testemițanu, a housewife (Ion Stici "Ochiul Alb. Cartea satului").
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Years of studies
After graduating from primary school in his native village, he studied for one year (1940) at the gymnasium in the village of Baraboi, currently in the Donduşeni district. During the Second World War, when military operations were taking place far from the borders of the Republic of Moldova, he studied for three years at the "Ion Creangă" theoretical high school in the city of Bălţi. From 1945, he continued his studies in the 9th grade of secondary school no. 1 in
the same city (today "Mihai Eminescu" high school).
Having successfully completed the full course of the mentioned school, he decided to continue his studies at the State Institute of Medicine in Chisinau (ISMC). During his studies, he showed himself to be a capable young man, very hardworking and aware of his mission, succeeding, parallel to his thorough studies (he had a nominal state scholarship), to manifest himself obviously in the field of public activities. He was the head of the academic group where he studied, being later elected leader of the youth and union organizations in the institute. The teachers who arrived from Saint-Petersburg, high-class specialists, noticed and appreciated him from the very first year of studies, investing in him hopes for the future. And - from the beginning it must be stated: Nicolae Testemițanu fully justified those expectations vis-à-vis his person.
Everyone remembers the student Nicolae Testemițanu as an orderly person, which proved a solid culture assimilated from books, from high school, but especially from "grandpa Andrei's yard", a fact that gave him a clear advantage compared to the other colleagues.
It carried within itself a magnetic fluid, a kind of positive energy charge, emanating only heat and light in discussions. Throughout his life, he always had an impeccable dress code: that handkerchief on his breast pocket, that gold ring on the thumb of his right hand, those matching ties to his shirts. His measured gestures and slightly swaying walk set him apart from his colleagues and made him immediately noticed. His correct attitude towards the older generation, his mentors, his guides, his co-workers impresses. Through fairness, kindness, sincerity, vast knowledge and chosen culture he could conquer anyone. He was extremely frank, open with ordinary people, and they responded in kind.
He was hardened in harsh and rigid situations, he carried in his retinas and memory so many sad pictures from the years of war, severe hunger, forced deportations of the natives to icy Siberia, ideological intoxication of his peers by the totalitarian regime. With the fine antennae of reason, he always caught that bipolar reality: one was written in laws, the other was produced in life.
He started his working career as a doctor-ordinating doctor of of the Surgery department of the central regional hospital in the town of Râşcani, from where a few months later he was "absorbed" again by the capital, remaining on this meridian all the years he had to live. From 1954, he was appointed an assistant at the General Surgery department of the ISMC, simultaneously acting as head of the Medical-Sanitary section of the Ministry of the Interior of the SSR. From 1955, he was appointed chief physician of the Republican Clinical Hospital, a position of responsibility that required professionalism, managerial and organizational skills. Showing ability and efficiency in work, in a short time he ensures a positive advancement of the affairs of the SCR: he opens new specialized sections, resettles the household here on a more permanent basis.
Possessing inexhaustible forces in his daily activity, he simultaneously founded the magazine "Ocrotirea Sanătăţii", being its first editor-in-chief, assiduously continuing his research work at the department, finishing his doctoral thesis in medicine, which he defended in 1958.
That fruitful activity was appreciated by the authorities, a fact that decided his promotion in 1959 to the position of rector of the State Institute of Medicine in Chisinau, a significant moment, because for the first time, a
her former graduate from here, on the Moldavian meridian. He was only 32 years old, he was full of romance, he carried in his heart an unshakeable desire to do as much good as possible to the people. Open new faculties, build spaces for studies, student dormitories, laboratories, a base for rest and sports on the Black Sea coast. It lays the foundations of the traumatological-orthopedic service, it generally has a permanent eye on the development of medical science, encouraging and promoting in the given direction as many young people as possible
hardworking and talented. At this stage, he fully demonstrates his organizational qualities, demonstrating through concrete facts what he is capable of. Those were the years of the so-called "Khrushchevist thaw", when people with initiative and ability increasingly found a green path to affirmation.
In this context, his promotion to the position of Minister of Health was considered by the leadership of the republic, but also by the entire medical community as a logical act, intended to change for the better the rather complicated situation in the branch. He refused the offer from the start, because he had barely gained momentum in the multiple transformations at his Alma Mater, but the "voice of the party" at that time was harsh and decisive, the opposition in front of it made no sense. He gave in, being prompted by the thought that from this position he would be able to serve his people, his holy ideal, with even more consistency. He was not daunted by the volume of work, nor by the size of that derelict field in the branch: he came up with new, saving ideas, issued
long-term strategies for the training of specialists and scientists, the consolidation of the technical-material base in the field of medicine. Every day he was on the ground - in villages, hamlets, towns, cities - analyzing with discernment and in depth the current situation, concretizing for himself and his team the priorities of the moment. Since then, the decision was made to pay more attention to the quality of medicine in rural areas; if specialized medical assistance was already provided in the cities, then in the village it was completely lacking. So, a way out of the situation had to be found. He built a lot, the means shining from the state fund, but also from the revenues of the collective farms. He selected and recommended for doctoral studies in various scientific centers in the former Soviet Union about 250 people, who later returned to their homeland with excellent training, with researcher degrees in many specialties. Its ultimate goal was to ensure the health of people and the earth. To a large extent he succeeded, being the only minister from the union republics of then, who managed to fight effectively against the abuse of pesticides in agriculture (chemicals harmful to people's health), passing through the government o decision in this regard.
Through everything he did, through his impeccable behavior as a militant for advancement and justice, he had become very popular in the republic. He was already considered by the potentates of the day as their rival, something they could not forgive him for. This was followed by the political upheaval of March 19, 1968, when, as a result of several hours of discussions at the CC of p. c. m., Nicolae Testemițanu was dismissed from his post. They accused me of violating the "Leninist principle of selection and distribution of cadres," a serious accusation
back then, when, in fact, they resigned for nationalism. Several worthy sons of the Moldavian land later had to face this fate, a fact confirmed by the archives and eyewitnesses of those
He did not lose his temper; although he was requested to work within the union ministry of
branch, decided, however, to stay in Moldova, to
deals more intensively with scientific research. Of course,
the bleeding wound from that scuffle
political, it hurt him permanently, remaining as a
scar for the rest of his life. By his gentle way of a
be, a world knows, forgave all and all,
devoting himself entirely to research work. It is
PhD student, activates a conference time at the department
Social Medicine and Health Care Organization a
ISMC; in 1971 he became a qualified doctor in medicine, being a university professor at the same department.
From 1973 until his sudden death in 1986, he was the head of the Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization of ISMC. He gathered himself, stepped over all the difficulties and won.
His scientific and practical interest was oriented towards arguing the need to liquidate the fundamental differences between the levels of assistance
medical care granted to the rural population compared to the urban population. He created a scientific school with in-depth orientation in the given direction, gathered in his scientific track record more than 220 published works, including 15 monographs, developed "a new scientific conception of organizing specialized outpatient and inpatient medical care with services of emergency granted to the rural population."
Through everything he created and left us as a legacy, this great forefather proved that his Lordship is a world-renowned scientist.
His conclusions and scientific evidence serve today as a basis for the activity of the family doctor, with the emphasis continuing to be placed on primary medicine. Today's and future generations of doctors,
specialists in the field of public health and management and not only have a lot to learn from you - especially to fight with dedication to achieve a goal, to be honest and generous in relations with peers, to
always be included in the patriotic activity of defense of freedom, language, ancient tradition and other values of the nation.