sâmbătă, 6 iulie 2024

The famous dessert from the north of the Republic of Moldova, called „baba neagra”, could be included in the UNESCO heritage: „The process takes at least two years, during which I hope that the local experts will manage to prepare the necessary files”

The famous dessert from the north of the Republic of Moldova, called „baba neagra” [in English: old woman], could be included in the UNESCO heritage: „The process takes at least two years, during which I hope that the local experts will manage to prepare the necessary files” writes ziarulnațional.md

The desert specific to the northern region of the Republic of Moldova has reached UNESCO. At the end of this June, Marina Luca, pastry expert, graduate of the "Alain Ducasse" School in France, presented the dessert at an event celebrating Francophonie, which brought together diplomats and other guests at the UNESCO headquarters.

Marina Luca was invited to the event by the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Moldova to UNESCO.

„In addition to several authentic specialties, such as pies and wine, the Delegation presented for the first time the dessert from the north of the Republic of Moldova - baba neagră, which was enjoyed and appreciated by the visitors. (...) We are confident that our state has a rich potential to advance national files on traditions, occupations or culinary and cultural elements on the representative list of UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage”, says a message from the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Paris.

„(The process) lasts at least two years, during which I hope that the local experts will manage to prepare the necessary files”, wrote Marina Luca on Instagram, „with the hope that, one day, this traditional dessert from the north of Moldova will be part of UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage”.

We mention that the Republic of Moldova has so far registered, together with Romania, the martisor and the shirt with altiță in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.

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