miercuri, 7 februarie 2024

Moldova struck a global blow! We are 8th in wine production and have surpassed the strongest states

The Republic of Moldova achieved a remarkable position in the world top of wine production, ranking 20th with an impressive figure of 149.9 thousand tons, according to the data provided by the Data Pandas platform. This performance comes in the context of a robust wine industry and a long tradition in the production of quality wines, writes the news portal from the Republic of Moldova bani.md.

In addition to this notable achievement, Moldova ranked 8th globally in terms of wine production per capita, reaching a respectable indicator of 42.2 kg. Also, in terms of grape production, our country ranks 22nd in the world, with a volume of 615.7 thousand tons, but impresses in the first place globally in terms of grape production per capita resident – 173.4 kg.

According to statistical data, the world leaders in total wine production remain Italy, Spain and France, with annual volumes of 4.8 million tons, 4.6 million tons and 4.3 million tons, respectively. In terms of wine production per capita, Spain, Italy and Chile occupy the first positions.

Moldova remains at the top of the grape production per capita, dominating with an impressive volume of 173.4 kg per year, distancing itself from other wine-growing countries such as North Macedonia, Chile and Italy.

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