joi, 9 noiembrie 2023

Saints Michael and Gabriel, celebrated by Christians on November 8. Customs and traditions respected by Romanians on this day. In the Republic of Moldova, it is celebrated according to the old rite

On Wednesday, November 8, Christians celebrate the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, known as the leaders of the bands of angels and guides of souls to Heaven. According to tradition, on this day the great commemoration of all the dead in the family is made, and popular belief says that no work is done on Saints Michael and Gabriel

In Romania, Saints Michael and Gabriel are the spiritual patrons of the Romanian Gendarmerie. Who are Archangels Michael and Gabriel Archangel Michael is the leader of the heavenly-angelic hosts, and Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to the Virgin Mary to give her the news that she will give birth to the Savior Jesus, and he also brought the news of the conception of the Mother to the righteous Joachim and Ana to the Lord In Romanian religious folklore, Archangel Michael is a more revered character, compared to Archangel Gabriel. He sometimes carries the keys of heaven, is an ardent fighter against the devil and watches over the head of the sick, if they are destined to die, or at their feet, if they are given to live. Many times, he is seen joining Saint Elijah, when he thunders and thunders or arranges the hail by himself, with the cannon. He also keeps the plague in check, similar to Saint Haralambia. 

In the past, in Bucovina, the Archangels were celebrated because "they are the guardians of people from birth to death, praying to God for their health". In popular belief, the Archangels also assist in the Last Judgment, are patrons of the house, burn the sins accumulated by natural human passions and purify, through fasting, the consciences.

In the mountains, where the Archangels are also patrons of the sheep, the owners of the animals made a large cake from corn flour, called "the ram's cake" (the rams being the rams separated from the sheep), which they threw in the morning of November 8 into the sheepfold. It was believed that if the cake fell face up, in the spring all the sheep would have lambs. In the popular calendar, Saints Michael and Gabriel are celebrated for three days, on November 8, 9 and 10. The first day is called the head of the Archangel, the second day the middle of the Archangel, and the third day the tail of the Archangel. Customs and traditions of Saints Michael and Gabriel It is a custom to light candles for Saints Michael and Gabriel both for those who are alive and for those who passed to the saints without a candle or disappeared in tragic circumstances. 

Also, on the day of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel - who are believed to take the souls of people when they die - the great memorial was made for all the dead in the family. According to popular belief, on this day of celebration of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel no work is done, as whoever disregards this rule will suffer before death. The 8th of November is considered the "Summer of the Archangels", and in addition to this, between Archangels and Christmas, there must be between two and four clear and warm days, popularly called "Summer of Winter". On the Saturday before the holiday, feasts are held for the souls of the dead. The alms offerings for the dead, on Eve or Archangels' Day, are called "Archangels' Estates".

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