sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2020


 Archaeological sites of the Early Iron Age in the Southern part of the Middle Dniester region were discovered and partially explored in the middle of the 20th century. Although the excavations were not large-scale, the results turned out to be very successful. The revealed materials, and in particular the ceramic products, were rather peculiar in form and especially expressive thanks to the carved and stamped ornaments on them. It was the feature that served as the main reason for the allocation of monuments with such ware to a special archaeological culture, originally named Saharna-Solonceni, and subsequently Cozia-Saharna. However, contrary to the importance of the material found, investigations on these sites, for various reasons, were no longer carried out.
Planned annual archaeological research on the sites of the so-called Saharna zone, where a significant number of them are concentrated, was renewed in 2001 by the Moldavian State University and continues to the present. The results of the iniţial surveys were reflected in a number of publications and in two monographs published in 2008 and 2014.
In this paper, there are collected and analyzed all the materials found during archaeological excavations conducted in 2008-2016 at the sites of Saharna Mare / „Dealul Mănăstirii”, Saharna Mică, Saharna „La Şanţ” and the archaeological surveys carried out at the sites of Saharna „La Şanţ” I, Saharna „La Şanţ” II, Saharna „Dealul Grimidon”, Saharna „La Vile”, Saharna-Ţiglău „Cetate”, Stohnaia III, and Buciuşca.

Open settlements and fortified sites on the Saharna Mare promontory
Studies conducted on the hill formed by the sides of the two ravines Saharna and Valea Crac show that it was inhabited for almost a millennium: from the 12th to 3rd centuries BC. Based on the analysis of the archaeological material revealed in various complexes, including closed ones, containing chrono-determining artifacts, it is possible to designate, with a certain degree of probability, the alternation of several cultural-chronological horizons.

Early settlement of the 12th-11th centuries BC, according to the data available at this stage, occupied a relatively small area in the south-western part of the promontory, where the concentration of a small number of pottery fragments with cut ornamentation and two closed complexes in the form of pits was found in the cultural layer.
One of these complexes (pit no. 119), found at a depth of 1.20 m from the level of the modern surface, represented a bell-shaped pit with the diameter of 1.0 m at the opening, a bottom of 1.6 m, and a depth of 1.24 m. Decorated pottery from the filling of the pit is covered with carved ornaments. The importance of this complex lies in the fact that above it there was a layer of untouched earth with a thickness of 0.55-0.50 m, in which an inhumation burial was found, accompanied by grave goods consisting of fragments of ceramics covered with carved and stamped ornamentation characteristic of the Cozia-Saharna culture of the ioth-9th centuries BC. Therefore, the absence in pit no. 119 of ware with a stamped decor clearly indicates that it was dug and completed its functionality well before the above mentioned period. The complex belongs to the I2th-llth centuries BC.

The second closed complex (pit no. 177) was a cylindrical pit with a diameter of 1.9 m and a depth of 1.1 m. In the filling fragments from vessels with a rounded body and barely-designed short neck with a carved outward rim or with a high cylindrical neck were found, similar to those found in the structure no. 1 of the 12th -11th centuries BC in the Saharna Mică settlement. Along with ceramics, a bronz piercer with an eye and a mushroom-shaped top (Osennadel) was found in the pit no. 177. The geographically closest similar piercers are known from the findings at the settlement of the Noua culture at the village of Petruşeni (Rîşcani District. Republic of Moldova) and Rotbav near Braşov (Romania). Similar decorations are well known from findings on sites of the early Lusatian culture in Poland (Gedl 1983, 85-86, Taf. 26/386, 394), dating from the 13th – 12th centuries BC. E. The presence of a piercer in the complex no. 177, together with the pottery decorated with carved ornaments, seems to be a weighty proof, allowing it to be attributed to the time not earlier than the i2th - the beginning of the nth centuries BC.

The settlement developed quite successfully, as evidenced by its expansion. By the end of the 11th – 10th  centuries BC it occupies the south-western and central parts of the promontory. In the 10th century BC a „citadel” is constructed, the material culture is being transformed: the dwellings and household structures of surface and underground type and structures of a religious purpose appear, the assortment of ceramic products are enriched with new forms, most of which are ornamented with carved and stamped decor typical of the Cozia-Saharna culture. The significance of the settlement of the ioth-9th centuries BC is evidenced by its area size and the presence of a „citadel”, indicating the existence of a large human and economic potential, allowing to control the main waterways and land trade routes of the region.

The settlement, which belongs to the Basarabi-Şoldăneşti culture, of the 8th – 7 th centuries BC on the Saharna Mare promontory occupied somewhat smaller area in comparison with the previous one. The main material, allowing to determine the presence of a cultural horizon dating back to the 8lh-7th centuries BC on the Saharna Mare / Dealul Mănăstirii settlement, are ceramic forms, for which decorative motifs in the form of friezes are characteristic, composed of patterns from various geometric figures: inscribed and shaded triangles, rhombuses, quadrangles, inscribed and shaded with carved ornaments ribbons in the form of zigzags, etc. As a rule, friezes adorn the upper part of the vessel’s body from the shoulder and approximately to its middle. Similar or somewhat altered motifs were also used in the ornamentation of the upper part of the bowls. The so-called „patterned ceramics” is well known for the finds from the settlements of Saharna-Ţiglău, Glinjeni and other sites of the Middle Dniester region, as well as other regions.

The 6th-5th centuries BC is the time when there have been significant changes in the material culture of the entire Balkan-Carpathian-Pontic region. Certain regularities are established in the topography of fortified and unfortified settlements, in the architecture of residential, household and cultural structures, in funeral rites and in the manufacture of ceramic products. The forms of the vessels become more prolate, striving to become as optimal and practical in application as possible. Intricate patterns in the decor disappear, ornamentation, mostly relief, simplified to schematism. Rough pottery dominates. The tendency toward the unification of the basic forms of material culture led to its relative uniformization, characteristic of the Getcic culture of the 4lh-3rtl centuries BC.

In this and in the subsequent time, significant changes occur both in the planning of the promontory settling and in the construction of the defensive system for the settlement. On the place of the palisade, a solid line of defense was built, representing a wall consisting of a wooden frame filled with layers of clay, sand, stone and earth. From the outside, the “wall” was surrounded by a ditch, the base of which was dug into a stone rock. This line of defense was strengthened by 11 bastions: the three most powerful defended the western part of the site, and four, somewhat smaller in power and magnitude, strengthened the north-eastern and eastern sides of the fortress wall. If the bastions of the western part were separate fortified structures with their ditches, the bastions of the north-eastern and eastern sides were part of the fortress wall, thus forming a single line of defense. In total, the area of the fortified, so powerful defensive system was 6 hectares. This fortified settlement is the largest and the most powerful in the Saharna region, where 8 hill-forts of the 4th-3rd centuries BC are archaeologically explored.

Open settlements and fortified sites on the Saharna Mică promontory
Excavations on the Saharna Mică settlement, located on the promontory formed by the steep left side of the „Saharna” canyon, established that during the Iron Age two cultural horizons alternated on it: the early - of the I2lh-nth centuries BC, which is characterized by pottery, decorated with carved ornaments, and the late, dating back to the 7th /6th – 3rd centuries BC (Niculiţă, Zanoci, Arnăut 2008,13-56).
In 2008-2013, research on this site was continued through three excavations located in various parts of the promontory. As a result, the remains of a number The northwestern part of the “wall” together with the bastions constituted a rather serious defense system for the settlement and the region as a whole. The Saharna Mică hillfort played an important role in the system of defensive structures in the Southern part of the Middle Dniester region. Finally, it was abandoned by the end of the 3rd century BC (Niculiță, Zanoci, Arnăuy 2008, 13-56).
In 2008-2013, research on this site was continued through three excavations located in various parts of the promontory. As a result, the remains of a number of surface structures and several closed complexes in the form of household pits were revealed. Analysis of the material found in the complexes makes it possible to determine the alternation of two unconnected cultural horizons, as well as the time and nature of the identified remains of both settlements.

A detailed study of the collected material, mainly ceramic products, shows that both in shape and ornament they belong to the assortment of ceramic ware or the Holercani-Hansca group of sites, dating back to the 12th-11th centuries BC. The fact that no fragment of ceramics with stamped ornaments has been found on the promontory up to the present time indicates that by the time of appearance of this ware in the 10th-9th centuries BC the cape was already abandoned by its inhabitants.
It is extremely difficult to determine the area occupied by the settlement of the I2th-llth centuries BC with confidence, because it was on this section of the cape that a new village subsequently appeared, thus destroying the old buildings. And yet, excavations of recent years have revealed a closed complex (pit no. 10/2013) and the presence of a cultural layer of a „horizon with carved/drawn pottery in site located north-west of the fortified system of the hillfort of the 7th / 6th -3rd centuries BC.

The reasons that caused the population to leave the early settlement are hardly possible to establish on the basis of information available at this stage. Any assumptions due to the lack of concrete evidence will not come out of the field of conjecture.

For the second time the promontory was inhabited not earlier than the middle or the end of the 7th century BC. The new settlement was placed approximately or. the same section of the promontory as the previous one. It was fortified by a palisade, whose traces, in the form of a ditch, trapezoid in the section, were revealed 20 meters to the north-west of the central bastion. The ditch with a depth of 60-70 cm from the modern ground surface had an opening width of 150 cm and a bottom width of 50 cm. When digging up the filling of the ditch, attention was drawn to the fact that materials relating to the 7th – 6th centuries BC were in its bottom part. whereas in the upper part the pottery characteristic for 5th / 4th -3rd centuries BC dominate. These data suggest that the ditch, into which the base of the palisade deepened, functioned in the 7th – 6th centuries BC. Over time, the settlement was fortified by a more complex defense system, namely, a „wall” erected from a wooden frame filled with sand, clay, pieces of stone and earth. This line of defense defended the Southern part of the promontory in a semicircle. It was reinforced from the north by the central and north-eastern bastions. However, with the increase in the number of residents, there was a shortage of free space for the construction of new dwellings. To solve this problem, the central section of the defense line was dis-mantled and dropped into the ditch. Excavations in this part revealed the remains of surface dwellings in place of the “wall” and on the surface of the former ditch.

The northwestern part of the „wall” together with the bastions constituted a rather serious defense system for the settlement and the region as a whole. The Saharna Mică hillfort played an important role in the system of defensive structures in the southern part of the Middle Dniester region. Finally, it was abandoned by the end of the 3rd century BC.

The Saharna „La Şanţ” site
The Saharna „La Şanţ” site is located on the south side of the Valea Crac ravine, about 1 km northeast of the Saharna Nouă village. Archaeological researches were carried out by the team of archaeologists from the State University of Moldova in 2003, 2006-2008 on an area of 288 m2. The results of these researches have been published in several articles and a monograph (Niculiţă, Zanoci, Arnăut 2008,151-162). In 2015 investigations were resumed, with an area of 80 m2 being excavated.
As a result of the investigations in 2015, as well as those of the previous years, it was established that in the place called „La Şanţ” there were two levels of habitation: an early Hallstattian, represented by an open settlement, and a Thraco-Getic one represented by a fortification.
The early Hallstattian settlement occupied the northwestern part of the plateau and spread over an area of approximately 250x100 m (2.5 ha). The existence of the early Hallstattian settlement is evidenced by ceramic fragments of hand-shaped vessels with incompletely and unevenly burned chamotte impurities. They had the polished surface, and the color varied from brick to black. The found fragments were parts of vessels with embossed incised and stamped decor characteristic of the Cozia-Saharna culture.

The Thraco-Getic fortification occupies the central and north-western part of the plateau and has a quasi-oval shape with the dimensions of approximately 330x280 m, being defended around with an artificial defensive system. On the east, south and west, it consisted of a ditch and a wooden wall filled with earth. On the nort-hern side, which coincides with the steep side of the Valea Crac ravine, only the „wall” has been identified.
In the northeast extremity of the fortification a semi-oval „citadel” was discovered, with the dimensions of about 110x60 m. On the west, south and east sides it was defended by a semicircular defensive line, which remains presently are presented in the form of a „rampart” with a width of about 12-15 m at the base and a height of 1.0-1.6 m. The northern side of the „citadel” constituted a whole with the defensive system of the large fortification.
The archaeological investigations carried out in 2015 revealed three household pits and many archaeological findings: utensils and working tools, harness pieces, adornments, and pottery, which allow to date the fortress the 4th-3rd centuries BC.
The Iron Age sites in the Saharna micro-zone
Along with the Saharna Mare / „Dealul Mănăstirii”, Saharna Mică and Saharna „La Şanţ” sites investigated in recent years through systematic researches, 13 fortifications, 15 open settlements and two necropolises dating to the Iron Age were found in the Saharna micro-zone. At some sites, such as the Saharna „Ţiglău” settlement and necropolis, the Saharna „Gura Hulboacei” necropolis, the Saharna „Revechin” fortress, and others, archaeological researches have been previously undertaken, the results of which have already been published in articles or even monographs (Niculiţă, Nicic 2014). At others, especially at the recently discovered fortifications (2013-2016), a series of archaeological surveys were carried out. aimed at defining the way of building the defensive system and the period when they functioned. However, most of the open settlements in the Saharna micro-zone remain known only as a result of surface research.

Diachronic evolution and significance of sites of the Saharna micro-zone
 Due to the favorable physical-geographic conditions and the strategic position of the Saharna micro-zone, it has, since ancient times, presented a convenient and attractive space for communities of farmers and cattle-breeders, the fact evidenced by numerous archaeological sites of different historical periods, among which the sites of the Iron Age numerically predominate. Following the study of orthophotomaps, surveys, and archaeological investigations, about 33 sites of this period have been attested here (Table 4), most of which have a single habitation level (Diagram 1). However, at those sites where large scale archaeological investigations have been carried out, two and more cultural-chronological horizons have been identified, among them being the Saharna Mare / „Dealul Mănăstirii” site that was inhabited from the i2th to the 3rd centuries BC. On the basis of the analysis of the discovered materials and, in particular, of the chronoindicators from closed complexes, the sites of the Saharna micro-zone are scattered over time and space.

Sites of the 12th-11th centuries BC are the settlements of Saharna Mare / “Dealul Mănăstirii”, Saharna Mică, and Saharna „Ţiglău”, to which are added some burials from the Ţiglău barrow necropolis. They are compactly concentrated in the central part of the Saharna micro-zone and are located at a distance of 0.8-1.1 km from each other (fig. 269).
Sites of the 10th-9th centuries BC of the Saharna micro-zone attributed to the Cozia-Saharna culture are represented by two fortresses, 10 open settlements and tw necropolises (fig. 270). As a result of the mapping of these sites it was observed that they are concentrated in two distinct spaces. Most sites – a fortress (Saharna Mare / „Dealul Mănăstirii”), nine open settlements (Saharna Mare / “Dealul Mănăstirii". Saharna „Ţiglău”, Saharna „La Şanţ”, Saharna “Rude”, Saharna “Budei”, etc.), and a necropolis (Saharna „Ţiglău”) – are located near the Valea Crac ravine, both on the north and the south sides, occupying a surface of about 2.0x 1.3 km (fig. 270). The second agglomeration of sites, consisting of a fortification – Saharna „Hulboaca”, an open settlement – Saharna „Gura Hulboacei”, and a necropolis (Saharna „Gura Hulboacei”), is located about 3.5 km south of the first (fig. 270). And occupies an area of approximately 1.1x0.3 km.
The settlements of the 8th-7th centuries BC attributed to the Basarabi-Şoldăneşti culture are known in the Saharna micro-zone (fig. 271) by the sites of Saharna I, Saharna Mare / „Dealul Mănăstirii”, and Saharna „Ţiglău” located at a distance of 0.7-1.1 km from each other.
The horizon of the end of the 7th century – 6th-5th centuries BC was found only at the Saharna Mică and Saharna Mare fortresses and at the open settlement of Saharna „La Şanţ”, where systematic and extensive archaeological researches were undertaken. They are located compactly (fig. 272) in the central part of the Saharna micro-zone, at a distance of about 200 m from each other, being separated only by the Valea Crac ravine.
Sites of the 4th-3rd centuries BC. The mapping of the sites (fig. 273) of this period of time in the Saharna micro-zone reveals that in terms of topography most of the fortified sites are grouped on the sides of three ravines/canyons joining the Dniester riverbed with the inside territory, maintaining in this way the link between the river and its adjacent territories.

In the central part of the Saharna micro-zone there is a deep ravine (Valea Crac), which splits in its western side, forming a promontory in which the fortification of Saharna Mare was located. On the south side of the ravine the fortified sites of Saharna „La Şanţ”, Saharrta „ La Şanţ” I, and Saharna „La Şanţ” II were built, and on the north side – Saharna Mică, Saharna „Dealul Grimidon”, and Saharna „La Vile”.
At a distance of about 3.5 km north of the Valea Crac, on the Southern outskirts of the Stohnaia village there is another ravine, on whose sides the fortifications of Stohnaia III (in the south side) and Stohnaia IV (in the north side) were located. In the intermediate space between these two ravines the fortresses of Saharna „La Revechin” and Saharna-Ţiglău „Cetate” were built.

At about 4.5 km south of the Valea Crac, north of the Buciuşca village there is the third ravine. On its sides the fortresses of Saharna “Hulboaca” (in the north side) and Buciuşca (in the south side) were located. In the area between these two ravines, at relatively equal distances, the fortresses of Saharna Nouă III and Saharna Nouă V are situated.

Thus, the right bank of the Dniester in the area between the villages of Stohnaia and Buciuşca, at a distance of about 8.5 km, was defended by means of 15 fortresses located at a distance of o.2-1.8 km from each other (fig. 273), to which the Ofatinţi fortress located opposite on the left bank of the river is added.
The open settlements in the Saharna micro-zone (fig. 273) are usually located in the immediate vicinity of the fortresses, forming the so-called „extramural” area, or at a relatively small distance (o.2-0.8 km) from the fortified sites.

Based on the results of geospatial and field investigations, it appears that most sites, both fortified and unfortified, are concentrated in the central part of the Saharna micro-zone, on the sides of the Valea Crac ravine. The fortress of Saharna Mare occupies a special position here, being located on the most secluded place (about 1 km west of the Dniester) and less exposed to direct attacks from the east. Access to the site from the river was possible only through the ravine. In order to control this corridor, on its northern side there were built the fortifications of Saharna „La Vile”, Saharna „Dealul Grimidon”, and Saharna Mică, and on the Southern side -the fortresses of Saharna „La Şanţ” II, Saharna „La Şanţ” I, and Saharna „La Şanţ”.

After studying the topography of sites in the Saharna micro-zone, we can assume that in terms of strategy the fortress of Saharna Mare occupies a key position in this space. The important role of the fortress is demonstrated by the large surface (6 ha) and the complexity of the defensive system - the „wall” surrounding the interior, bastions erected on the flanks, etc. The “privileged” status of the Saharna Mare site is confirmed by the discoveries in the fortress - surface dwellings, pits for storing supplies, places of worship, as well as rich findings. Among “prestigious" materials from this site there is a fragment of quartzite scepter, adornments made of silver and amber, and imported pottery.

Based on the above, at the current state of research we can assume a certain hierarchy of sites in the Saharna micro-zone. Thus, the fortress of Saharna Mare can be seen as a central location, which possibly had some economic, administrative, social, political, and religious functions.

Smaller fortifications (0.4-0.9 ha), with an insignificant cultural layer, but placed on the dominant places, with wide possibilities of surveillance of space around. from our point of view, acted as outposts – Saharna „La Şanţ” (small inside), Saharna „La Şanţ” I, Saharna Mică, Saharna „Dealul Grimidon”, etc. and large fortresses - Stohnaia III (3,5 ha), Saharna „La Şanţ” (large inside, 7 ha), Buciuşca (10 ha), where the cultural layer is absent or insignificant, can be considered as a refuge for communities from the open settlements.

It follows from the above that the relatively large number of entities in the Saharna micro-zone undoubtedly speaks of a significant population density. Therefore, this space had a human, economic, military, and administrative potential to regulate social, cultural, economic, and commercial relations with both the surrounding communities and the Greek poleis in the northwest of the Pontus Euxinus or the metropole. These commercial relations are materialized in the import goods present in most archaeological sites studied. Based on these considerations, it can be said that the fortress on the Saharna Mare promontory was a residential center that coordinated the activities of the communities in the fortified and open settlements in the Saharna micro-zone, and perhaps even in the entire Middle Dniester region.

The source of the information – the book Evoluția habitatului din microzona Saharna în epoca fierului de Ion Niculiță, Aurel Zanoci, Mihail Băț. Pp. 445-452.

vineri, 26 iunie 2020

How much does a night of accommodation cost at the pensions in the Republic of Moldova

How much does a stay in the Republic of Moldova cost? This is the question we have been trying to answer, in the context in which the coronavirus pandemic has imposed travel restrictions on several countries. See below the accommodation prices for one night in 15 locations in our country.

Several wineries, in addition to hearty meals at the restaurant and excursions, also offer accommodation. For example, the price for a night spent at Purcari Winery, located at a distance of 113 km from Chisinau, in Stefan Voda district, starts from 2,600 lei for two people, with breakfast included. The price reaches 4,000 lei for „Sky House”.
The source: www.purcari.wine

In the Ștefan Vodă district, in the village of Cromcaz, there is also the Et Cetera Winery. Accommodation in a double room costs 1,900 lei. According to the information on the winery's official website, the rate includes access to the pool and breakfast.

Chateau Vartely Winery is located in Orhei, at a distance of 50 km from the capital. According to the rates on the www.booking.com platform, the accommodation in the standard double room amounts to 1,600 lei, and a „deluxe apartment” costs 2,200 lei. In both cases, breakfast is included.
And less than 30 km from Chisinau, in the village of Puhoi, visitors are waiting for Asconi Winery. According to the public information on the website www.winetours.md, for a double room, with breakfast included, those interested will take out of their pockets 90 euros (over 1,700 lei).
FB/Asconi Winery
The woods of Orhei
Those who want a stay in the woods of Orhei can opt for the Doi Haiduci complex. However, it only provides cottages for two families. Their price starts at 1,200 lei and reaches 2,000 lei. It differs depending on the conditions of accommodation and access to the gazebo. Does not include breakfast. However, there is a restaurant in the territory.

Orheiul Vechi
There are also several guesthouses in the region of the Orheiul Vechi museum complex. The prices are about the same. For example, a night in a double room, with breakfast included, costs 1,000 lei at Eco Resort Butuceni, and at Vila Roz in Trebujeni.

In fact, accommodation costs 1,000 lei in other pensions, such as the Old House in Palanca, Ștefan Vodă. The breakfast is included. Those wishing to have lunch or dinner on the spot must take out of their pockets 150 lei per person.

Natural reservations
We tried to find accommodation near nature reserves. At Pădurea Domnească, in Glodeni, for example, there is the pension „La Fontal”. We were unable to contact the administration. On the official website of the reservation, it is said that the pension has three cottages with a capacity of six people. The price for renting one of them is 1,000 lei.

Those who want to spend more time at the „Prutul de Jos” reservation have several options. For example, in the village of Văleni, at a distance of 25 km from the city of Cahul, there is the pension „La Gura Cuptorului”, which has a capacity of nine accommodation places. The stop can be booked on the platform www.airbnb.com. For two people, the cost is $ 45 (around 780 lei).

Visitors to the region can find more accommodation in Cahul. For example, a night at the Oasis Hotel, equipped with an outdoor pool, costs from 450 lei to 525 lei, without breakfast.
 FB/Lunca Prutului de Jos

Vadul lui Vodă
Of course, every year, hundreds of Moldovans plan mini-vacations at Vadul lui Voda resort. We tried to find locations online. On Booking I came across the pension „Vacanța della Nonna”, which has a swimming pool, is located 700 meters from the beach. Price for one night: 800 lei. However, 145 lei have to be paid for „taxes and costs”.

And the accommodation at the IT Relax complex, which also has a swimming pool, reaches 530 lei, according to the official website.

The source: Cât costă o noapte de cazare la pensiunile din R. Moldova [online] [citat 25.06.2020]. Disponibil: agora.md

¿Cuánto cuesta una noche de alojamiento en las pensiones en la República de Moldavia?

¿Cuánto cuesta una estancia en la República de Moldavia? Esta es la pregunta a la que intentamos encontrar la respuesta, en el contexto en el que la pandemia de coronavirus impuso restricciones de viaje en varios países. Vea a continuación los precios de alojamiento para una noche en 15 ubicaciones en nuestro país.

Varias bodegas, además de abundantes comidas en el restaurante y excursiones, también ofrecen alojamiento. Por ejemplo, el precio de una noche en la bodega Purcari, ubicada a una distancia de 113 km de Chisinau, en el distrito de Stefan Voda, comienza en 2.600 lei para dos personas, con desayuno incluido. El precio alcanza los 4.000 lei por „Sky House”.
La fuente: www.purcari.wine

En el distrito de Ștefan Vodă, en el pueblo de Cromcaz, también se encuentra la bodega Et Cetera. El alojamiento en habitación doble cuesta 1.900 lei. Según la información del sitio web oficial de la bodega, la tarifa incluye el acceso a la piscina y el desayuno.

La bodega Chateau Vartely se encuentra en Orhei, a 50 km de la capital. Según las tarifas de la plataforma www.booking.com, el alojamiento en la habitación doble estándar asciende a 1.600 lei, y un „apartamento de lujo” cuesta 2.200 lei. En ambos casos, el desayuno está incluido.
Y a menos de 30 km de Chisinau, en el pueblo de Puhoi, los visitantes esperan la bodega Asconi. Según la información pública en el sitio web www.winetours.md, para una habitación doble, con desayuno incluido, los interesados ​​sacarán de sus bolsillos 90 euros (más de 1.700 lei).
FB/Asconi Winery
Los bosques del districto Orhei
Aquellos que quieran alojarse en Codrii Orheiului, pueden optar por el complejo Doi Haiduci. Sin embargo, solo ofrece cabañas para dos familias. Su precio comienza desde 1,200 lei y llega a 2,000 lei. Difiere según las condiciones de alojamiento y acceso a la glorieta. No incluye desayuno. Sin embargo, hay un restaurante en el territorio.
Orheiul Vechi
También hay varias casas de huéspedes en la región del complejo del museo Orheiul Vechi. Los precios son casi iguales. Por ejemplo, una noche en habitación doble, con desayuno incluido, cuesta 1,000 lei en Eco Resort Butuceni y en Vila Roz en Trebujeni.

De hecho, el alojamiento cuesta 1,000 lei en otras pensiones, como Casa Veche en Palanca, Ștefan Vodă. El desayuno está incluido. Aquellos que deseen almorzar o cenar en el lugar deben sacar de sus bolsillos 150 lei por persona.

Reservas naturales
Intentamos encontrar alojamiento cerca de las reservas naturales. En Pădurea Domnească, en Glodeni, por ejemplo, está la pensión „La Fontal”. No pudimos contactar a la administración. En el sitio web oficial de la reserva, se dice que la pensión tiene tres cabañas con capacidad para seis personas. El precio por alquilar uno de ellos es de 1,000 lei.

Aquellos que quieran pasar más tiempo en la reserva „Prutul de Jos”" tienen varias opciones. Por ejemplo, en el pueblo de Văleni, a una distancia de 25 km de la ciudad de Cahul, se encuentra la pensión „La Gura Cuptorului”", que tiene capacidad para nueve lugares de alojamiento. La parada se puede reservar en la plataforma www.airbnb.com. Para dos personas, el costo es de $ 45 (alrededor de 780 lei).

Los visitantes de la región pueden encontrar más alojamientos en Cahul. Por ejemplo, una noche en el Hotel Oasis, equipado con una piscina al aire libre, cuesta de 450 lei a 525 lei, sin desayuno.
 FB/Lunca Prutului de Jos

Vadul lui Vodă
Por supuesto, cada año, cientos de moldavos planean mini vacaciones en el resort Vadul lui Voda. Intentamos encontrar ubicaciones en línea. En la reserva me encontré con la pensión „Vacanța della Nonna”, que tiene una piscina, que se encuentra a 700 metros de la playa. Precio por una noche: 800 lei. Sin embargo, se deben pagar 145 lei por „impuestos y costos”.

Y el alojamiento en el complejo IT Relax, que también tiene una piscina, alcanza los 530 lei, según el sitio web oficial.

La fuente: Cât costă o noapte de cazare la pensiunile din R. Moldova [online] [citat 25.06.2020]. Disponible: agora.md

marți, 23 iunie 2020

Discover 4 special wineries in the area with Protected Geographical Indication „Stefan Voda”

Wines that have made history, family wineries that develop from the passion for wine and modern vineyards are the next tourist destinations that we will discover this summer. While waiting to get to know them in reality, Agrobiznes proposes you to plan your travel route together.

This time, we stop at the wineries in the area with Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) „Stefan Voda” – a relief area consisting of plains, hills along the Dniester River, which is distinguished by a climate identical to that of some known world wine regions.

Influenced by the breeze of the Black Sea and the Dniester River, the sunny climate with limited rainfall forms an amalgam suitable for the cultivation of vines, especially black grain varieties. From here, selected wines appear, with a unique terroir and highly appreciated by consumers. The initiative is part of the „ReVin cu drag” campaign (Eng: I come back with pleasure), initiated by the National Office of Vine and Wine (ONVV) and which aims to inform about the destinations and wine tourism potential in the country.

A family adventure materialized in the winery
The story of the winery „Et Cetera” began in 2002 when a family adventure became an extremely popular winery. Located in the south of the country, due to the proximity of the Black Sea, the Liman and the Dniester River, in combination with well-drained soil, a perfect terroir was formed for growing grapes. The excursions to the winery are a foray into the world of wine, with guided tastings of collectable wines.

At „Et Cetera”, each stage of wine production is carefully supervised by family members: from the cultivation of grapes by purely organic methods, fermentation and maturation in oak barrels, to offering the finished product to the guests of the winery.
Once here, visitors can learn about the production process, walk through the vineyards that cover an area of ​​24 hectares, enjoy traditional dishes at the winery's restaurant and rest at the small hotel in the area. Equipped with modern winemaking techniques and using production methods tried over the years, „Et Cetera” obtains wines recognized for their unique flavours and tastes.

To remember:
Annually, the „Et Cetera” winery harvests 150 tons of grapes, from a total area of ​​24 hectares with vineyards.
Of the total area of ​​vineyards, the largest plantations are with red grape varieties: Merlot, Feteasca Neagră and Cabernet Sauvignon, and of the planted white varieties Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Viognier predominate.

15 years of passion for select wines
At „Et Cetera”, each stage of wine production is carefully supervised by family members: from the cultivation of grapes by purely organic methods, fermentation and maturation in oak barrels, to offering the finished product to the guests of the winery.
Once here, visitors can learn about the production process, walk through the vineyards that cover an area of ​​24 hectares, enjoy traditional dishes at the winery's restaurant and rest at the small hotel in the area. Equipped with modern winemaking techniques and using production methods tried over the years, „Et Cetera” obtains wines recognized for their unique flavours and tastes.

To remember:
Annually, the „Et Cetera” winery harvests 150 tons of grapes, from a total area of ​​24 hectares with vineyards.
Of the total area of ​​vineyards, the largest plantations are with red grape varieties: Merlot, Feteasca Neagră and Cabernet Sauvignon, and of the planted white varieties Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Viognier predominate.
15 years of passion for select wines

„Gogu Winery” is a story of love and passion for wine, which lasts more than 15 years. Located in the city of Causeni, the winery was born out of a great desire to create quality products, with expressive accents from the local terroir.

Inside the Gogu family home, in addition to the production section, the winery also houses a tasting room. Here, visitors can enjoy Gogu wines, associated with traditional dishes, after finishing their journey through the winery where the wine barrels are kept.
The winery's cellars were built in 1827 and have managed to protect precious historical bottles, including „Negru de Purcari” from 1948. „Purcari” is one of the most famous wine brands in Eastern Europe and is the official supplier of wines for the Royal House. of Romania and that of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
Visitors can take part in wine tours and tastings, go boating and fishing, enjoy wine on the terraces and in the specially arranged seating areas. In 2019, the „Purcari” winery was awarded 110 medals at international and national competitions.

To remember:
Purcari” winery exports wines to over 25 countries around the world, including
Great Britain, Norway, Czech Republic, China, Poland, Germany, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey, Japan, Luxembourg, Canada, USA, etc.

Over the years, the winery has won over 250 medals at prestigious international competitions such as „Decanter World Wine Awards”, „International Wine & Spirits Competition”, „International Wine Challenge”, „Effervescent du Monde” etc. „Purcari” is also recognized as the most medaled winery in Central and Eastern Europe.
A modern location that produces high-quality wines

In the southeast of the country, one of the most important producers of high-quality wines in the Republic of Moldova – „Sălcuța” winery, has made its place on the map. The company was created by Eugen Pîslaru in 1995 and is now a modern and attractive location for tourists. Inheriting the passion and ambition for the development of the wine sector, the son together with his family, implemented a process of modernization of the winery.

At "Sălcuța”, tradition and technology have been perfectly combined for 3 generations, and each bottle of wine preserves the terroir of the area. For over two decades of activity, "Sălcuța" has achieved remarkable successes in improving product quality and promoting new consumer markets. Visitors can take a trip to the winery's vineyards, taste the finest wines, making a foray into the history of this family winery.
The pride of the winery are the wines with Geographical Indication Ștefan Vodă from both local and international varieties, among which is the famous rose, which was the first wine in the country awarded gold at the World Competition Du Rose, France.

To remember:
In 2019, the „Sălcuța” winery won 17 medals at international and national competitions.
The company's wines are sold in the markets of Germany, Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Baltic States, Japan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Africa

The source: #ReVincudrag: Descoperă 4 vinării deosebite din zona cu Indicație Geografică Protejată „Ștefan Vodă” [online] [citat 22.06.2020]. Disponible: agrobiznes.md

Descubra 4 bodegas especiales en el área con la Indicación Geográfica Protegida „Stefan Voda”

Los vinos que han hecho historia, las bodegas familiares que se desarrollan a partir de la pasión por el vino y los viñedos modernos son los próximos destinos turísticos que descubriremos este verano. A la espera de conocerlos en realidad, Agrobiznes le propone planificar la ruta de viaje juntos. Esta vez, nos detenemos en las bodegas de la zona con la Indicación Geográfica Protegida (IGP) „Stefan Voda”, un área de alivio que consta de llanuras, colinas a lo largo del río Dniester, que se distingue por un clima idéntico al de  regiones mundiales del vino conocidas.

Influenciado por la brisa del Mar Negro y el río Dniéster, el clima soleado con precipitaciones limitadas forma una amalgama adecuada para el cultivo de vides, especialmente variedades de grano negro. A partir de aquí, aparecen vinos seleccionados, con un terror único y muy apreciado por los consumidores. La iniciativa forma parte de la campaña „ReVin cu drag”, iniciada por la Oficina Nacional de la Viña y el Vino (ONVV), cuyo objetivo es informar sobre los destinos y el potencial del turismo del vino en el país.

Una aventura familiar, materializada en la bodega

La historia de la bodega „Et Cetera” comenzó en 2002, cuando una aventura familiar se convirtió en una bodega extremadamente popular. Ubicada en el sur del país, debido a la proximidad del Mar Negro, el río Liman y el río Dniéster, en combinación con un suelo bien drenado, se formó un terruño perfecto para el cultivo de uvas. Las excursiones a la bodega son una incursión en el mundo del vino, con degustaciones guiadas de vinos coleccionables.

En „Et Cetera”, cada etapa de la producción de vino es supervisada cuidadosamente por miembros de la familia: desde el cultivo de uvas por métodos puramente orgánicos, fermentación y maduración en barricas de roble, hasta ofrecer el producto terminado a los invitados de la bodega.
Una vez aquí, los visitantes pueden aprender sobre el proceso de producción, caminar por los viñedos que cubren un área de 24 hectáreas, disfrutar de platos tradicionales en el restaurante de la bodega y descansar en el pequeño hotel de la zona. Equipado con técnicas modernas de vinificación y utilizando métodos de producción, probados a lo largo de los años, „Et Cetera" obtiene vinos reconocidos por sus sabores únicos.

Anualmente, la bodega „Et Cetera” cosecha 150 toneladas de uvas, de un área total de 24 hectáreas con viñedos. Del área total de viñedos, las plantaciones más grandes son con variedades de uva roja: Merlot, Feteasca Neagră y Cabernet Sauvignon y de las variedades blancas plantadas Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc y Viogner predominan. 15 años de pasión por selectos vinos.

La bodega „Gogu Winery” es una historia de amor y pasión por el vino, que dura más de 15 años. Ubicada en la ciudad de Causeni, la bodega nació de un gran deseo de crear productos de calidad, con acentos expresivos del terruño local. Dentro de la casa de la familia Gogu, además de la sección de producción, la bodega también alberga una sala de degustación. Aquí, los visitantes pueden disfrutar de los vinos de Gogu, asociados con platos tradicionales, después de finalizar su viaje a través de la bodega donde se guardan los barriles de vino.

Actualmente, el enólogo ha comenzado a construir un espacio especialmente diseñado para la producción de vino, fuera del hogar y esto le permitirá hacer aún más vinos, recibiendo un mayor número de invitados ansiosos por conocer la historia de la „Bodega Gogu”. Los vinos seleccionados y de calidad exclusiva también se deben a los viñedos, que se encuentran en la zona vitivinícola más adecuada en Moldavia, al sureste del país.
En 2014, los primeros vinos embotellados de „Gogu Winery” aparecieron en las estantes de las tiendas especializadas y, en poco tiempo, atrajeron la atención de los amantes locales del vino, que elogiaron especialmente el vigorizante Sauvignon Blanc. Desde su lanzamiento en 2014, los vinos de „Gogu Winery” han recibido altas críticas de expertos nacionales e internacionales.

Proveedor oficial de dos casas reales
Otro destino turístico en la República de Moldavia es la bodega „Purcari”. Situado en la región del río Dniester y cerca del Mar Negro, rodeado de viñedos, Chateau Purcari es un territorio de rara belleza. Aquí, los grandes vinos se encuentran naturalmente con grandes experiencias gastronómicas.
Las bodegas fueron construidas en 1827 y lograron proteger preciosas botellas históricas, incluida „Negru de Purcari” de 1948. „Purcari”es una de las marcas de vinos más famosas de Europa del Este y es el proveedor oficial de vinos para la Casa Real de Rumanía y de Inglaterra.
Los visitantes pueden participar en tours de vinos y degustaciones, pasear en bote y pescar, disfrutar del vino en las terrazas y en las áreas de descanso especialmente diseñadas. En 2019, la bodega „Purcari” recibió 110 medallas en concursos nacionales e internacionales.
La bodega „Purcari” exporta vinos a más de 25 países de todo el mundo, incluidos Escocia, Inglaterra, Galés, Irlanda, Noruega, República Checa, China, Polonia, Alemania, Kazajstán, Ucrania, Turquía, Japón, Luxemburgo, Canadá, Estados Unidos, obviamente Rumania, etc.

Con los años, la bodega ha ganado más de 250 medallas en prestigiosos concursos internacionales como Decanter World Wine Awards”, International Wine & Spirits Competition”, International Wine Challenge”, Effervescents du Monde”, etc. Purcari” también es reconocida como la bodega más reconocida en Europa Central y del Este, siendo, orgullosamente, na ubicación moderna que produce vinos de alta calidad.

En el sureste del país, uno de los productores más importantes de vinos de alta calidad, en la República de Moldavia, la bodega „Sălcuța”, ha hecho su lugar en el mapa. La empresa fue creada por Eugen Pîslaru en 1995 y, actualmente, es un lugar moderno y atractivo para los turistas. Heredando la pasión y la ambición por el desarrollo del sector del vino, el hijo junto con su familia, implementaron un proceso de modernización de la bodega.

En „Sălcuța”, la tradición y la tecnología se han combinado perfectamente durante 3 generaciones y cada botella de vino conserva el terroir de la zona. Durante más de dos décadas de actividad, „Sălcuța” ha logrado éxitos notables en la mejora de la calidad del producto y la promoción de nuevos mercados de consumo. Los visitantes pueden hacer un viaje a los viñedos de la bodega, probar los mejores vinos y hacer una incursión en la historia de esta bodega familiar.
El orgullo de la bodega son los vinos con Indicación Geográfica Ștefan Vodă de variedades locales e internacionales, incluida la famosa rosa, que fue el primer vino del país, galardonado con oro en el World Competition Du Rose, en Francia.

En 2019, la bodega „Sălcuța” ganó 17 medallas en competiciones internacionales y nacionales. Los vinos de la compañía se venden en los mercados de Alemania, Polonia, la República Checa, Eslovaquia, los Estados Bálticos, Japón, Bielorrusia, Kazajstán, Ucrania, países de África, obviamente Rumania, por compartir el mismo universo cultural e histórico, entre muchos otros destinos.

La fuente: #ReVincudrag: Descoperă 4 vinării deosebite din zona cu Indicație Geografică Protejată „Ștefan Vodă” [online] [citat 22.06.2020]. Disponibl: agrobiznes.md


Grigore Vieru is one of the most remarkable poets of our nation. His creations are probably heard in every family in Moldova, through poetry or songs they have marked generations in a row. In the village of Pererita, at the poet's birthplace, is the House Museum „Grigore Vieru. A visit to the House Museum is a great opportunity to see the nest that gave it wings, and it would probably be the most beautiful way to pay homage to the poet.

The village of Pererita has located 244 km from Chisinau in the Prut meadow. It is a very picturesque place with a special energy.
The Museum House was restored according to the project of the architect Eugen Bâzgu, and the interior aspect of the museum was designed by the specialists from the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History. Today the rooms of the house are arranged with things that belonged to the poet's family, but also other authentic exhibits from the years 1930-1940.
Inside the house was preserved the painting of the walls and ceiling made by the mother of the great poet.
The „Grigore Vieru” House Museum also contains an annexe with the exhibition of the poet's creation: volumes of poems, manuscripts, photographs, translation volumes and literary criticism.
The visit to the „Grigore Vieru” Museum House can teleport you to the poet's childhood, and from the guide's stories, you can imagine how the poet went to graze the cow on the bank of the Prut, how he waited for his mother at home, what the evenings were doing in the oven and what life was like. after the war.

Only at Grigore Vieru's home can you understand how the deep feeling of patriotism that marked his creation and produced history appeared.

To see more pictures, go to the link radacina.md

The source: CASA-MUZEU “GRIGORE VIERU” – CUIBUL CARE I-A DAT ARIPI MARELUI POET [online] [citat 22.06.2020]. Disponibil: radacina.md


Grigore Vieru es uno de los poetas más notables de nuestra nación. Sus creaciones probablemente se escuchan en todas las familias la Gran Rumania, sobre todo en la histórica región de Moldavia, a través de la poesía o las canciones que han marcado generaciones seguidas. En el pueblo de Pererita, en el lugar de nacimiento del poeta, se encuentra la Casa Museo „Grigore Vieru”. Una visita a la Casa Museo es una gran oportunidad para ver el nido que le dio alas y, probablemente, sería la forma más hermosa de rendir homenaje al poeta.

El pueblo de Pererita se encuentra a 244 km de Chisinau, en el prado del Prut. Es un lugar muy pintoresco con una energía especial.

La Casa Museo fue restaurada de acuerdo con el proyecto del arquitecto Eugen Bâzgu y el aspecto interior del museo fue diseñado por especialistas del Museo Nacional de Etnografía e Historia Natural. Hoy las habitaciones de la casa están arregladas con cosas que pertenecieron a la familia del poeta, pero también otras exhibiciones auténticas de los años 1930-1940.

En el interior de la casa se conserva la pintura de las paredes y el techo realizado por la madre del gran poeta. La Casa Museo „Grigore Vieru” también contiene un anexo con la exposición de la creación del poeta: volúmenes de poesía, manuscritos, fotografías, volúmenes de traducción y crítica literaria.

La visita a la Casa del Museo „Grigore Vieru” puede teletransportarte a la infancia del poeta y por las historias del guía uno puede imaginar cómo el poeta fue a pastar la vaca en la orilla del Prut, cómo esperó a su madre en casa, qué hacían las noches en el horno y cómo era la vida, después de la guerra. Solo en la casa de Grigore Vieru puedes entender cómo apareció el profundo sentimiento de patriotismo que marcó su creación y produjo la historia.

Para ver más fotos, vaya al enlace, radacina.md.