marți, 21 septembrie 2021

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of the Mother of God

Today, Orthodox Christians mark the Nativity of the Mother of God, a holiday that is also popularly known as St. Mary the Little.

It is an event celebrated by both the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. According to the traditions, on the day of Saint Mary the Little, pilgrimages are made to monasteries, and fruits, bread, and candles are taken to the church to be consecrated.

The Virgin Mary was born into the family of the righteous, Joachim and Anna. Her parents, although elderly, prayed earnestly for a child. Saint Mary was of the chosen nation, the father, Joachim, being from the tribe of David, and the mother, Anna, from the priestly family of Aaron. The birth of the Mother of God is considered by the Church Fathers as the historical moment when the salvation of the human race from the bondage of ancestral sin began. Through the purity of her life, entirely dedicated to God, the Blessed Virgin became worthy to be the one from whom the Son of God was born.

On the Nativity of the Mother of God, men do not work and do not work in the household, and women do not sew or wash clothes. It is said that the prayers addressed to the Mother of God on this holy day of celebration by those who want a child are more listened to than ever.

In popular belief, the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God represents the astronomical boundary between summer and autumn, the moment when the autumn agricultural things start and the moment when the new season begins to enter into its rights. September 21 is the day when some birds, such as swallows, prepare for their journey to warm countries, and geese and reptiles retreat to the ground.

The Nativity of the Mother of God, the Entry of the Mother of God into the Church, the Annunciation, and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary are the four great Christian holidays dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

According to statistical data, in the Republic of Moldova, over 120 thousand women are bearing the name Maria and celebrating their name day today. Also, in many localities, the patron saint of the church is celebrated.

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